That's right, our hikers hit the pavement today in a rental car. They're driving up to Cleveland tonight (and will visit their respective Moms), and then on Friday will be headed to Indiana for my sister's wedding.
Here's a rundown of the last two days (I am hoping they'll add some of their own additions and thoughts when they're safely ensconced at Grandma's house).
Day | Miles | |
April 20 | 20 | 15.3 miles |
21 | 16 miles | |
22-25 | rest days |
More - Day 20
From Dad, with interjections from Ruth - Absolutely gorgeous hiking day: cool, a little bit of drizzly rain, but nothing bad. Not many people out, but just spectacular views all day. This was an pretty easy day...
They camped near the Tri-corner Knob Shelter1.
More - Day 21
They called around 6:30 from the road headed into Kentucky. Chris and I will be meeting up with them in Cleveland, and we should be able to get some pictures posted then!
They left the trail at Davenport Gap2, and hitched their way via various highways in the backs of pickup trucks to somewhere they could rent a car.
1 Tri-Corner Knob Shelter (5920 ft.) - 219.1 miles
2 Davenport Gap - 235.1 miles
where is dave and ruthie's wedding???? the picures have captions but are all blank!! it figures that we passed in transit, erin, the weekend that you come here, i go to nyc...oh well
The ceremony was held on the front steps of the Delta Chi house - where the two lovebirds met.
The reception was held pot-luck-style in the clubhouse that is part of Tri-State University's golf course.
yes, i got to see them---thank you, i cried my eyes out......i can't believe a little sister is married now *) what a fun looking laid back wedding---ruthie and dave, best of luck to you both!
So now that Mike and Ruth have been on the trail a while, i assume they have gotten into a normal daily routine. I'd like to know what their day is like. what time do they wake up? how long does it take to pack up and move out of camp? do they take many breaks? Do they build fires at night, every night? thanks, -kev
Erin & Chris: Just wanted to say thanks for posting the pictures from our wedding (and a BIG thanks to Ruth for taking them)! Dave did get a chance to look at them before he had to leave. They all turned out beautifully.
Dad & Aunt Ruth: I am so greatful that you were able to make it back!!!1 It just wouldn't have been the same without you!!![[beams]](../../../images/smilies/pleased.gif)