Mike and Ruth stayed at Derrick Knob1 last night, as planned, they've already made it to Newfound Gap2, and hitched they're way into Gatlinburg3 for a good night's sleep in a real bed, and a rest/laundry day tomorrow.
Day | Miles | |
April 18 | 18 | 18.4 miles! ![]() |
19 | rest day. |
They passed Clingmans Dome4 today - Ruth said it was breath-taking, I suppose we'll have to settle for the pictures when we get 'em.
They did go into Fontana Village on their way into the Smokies (Day 16). It was a nice little resort town - if a little ghost-town-feeling, since it wasn't yet "resort-season". Apparently, Fontana Village gets busy after Memorial Day.
Ruth mentioned that Gatlinburg is an odd little town - very touristy in a way, with an odd mismatch of Trollies and Wedding Chapels.
Tomorrow we should be nailing down how Dad and Ruth are going to get to Indiana and back this weekend for Ruthie's wedding.
Now it's the Toes
As the blisters are slowly being replaced with callouses, it's on to new foot issues - toenails. Ruth thinks she's losing one of her big toenails (at the very least, it looks gross), and Dad has two that are causing trouble: the big toe on one foot, and the second toe on the other.
2 Derrick Knob Shelter (4880 ft.) - 185.4 miles
2 Newfound Gap, TN - 203.8 miles.
4 Clingmans Dome (6643 ft) - Highest point on the AT.
I referenced "Freewheelin milo's" journal above, but in particular, you may want to check out this entry, which I transcribed.
Particularly funny description of our walking Oxymoron.![[laughs]](../../../images/smilies/laugh.gif)
hey what's a "ridge-runner"?
WOW!!! What a journey!!! What are their "trail names"? I remember talking to several people who were die-hard hikers in undergrad who said that everyone gets a nickname on the trail! Here's hoping the weather, the supplies, the spirits, and the toenails all hold up!!!
Sorry for my lapse, Kevin! Thanks for calling my attention to it..![[crack that whip!]](../../../images/smilies/whip.gif)
Ridgerunners "help make sure that individuals and groups hiking during these seasons have the information they need to make their Trail experience most informative, safe, and enjoyable."
Check out this link for more.
hey erin. give a big shout out to oxymoron and ruth for me! sounds like they are moving along well. homeboy indeed was here in damascus last night, i just missed him. what a guy. well, i am in damascus, the end of my hike, and will be in and out of here until the eleventh. i hope to see the troopers, send them my love!
Hey Milo, We believe we will be slacking into
Damascus Sunday evening....maybe staying at a B&B
Hope we do get to see you before you head out.
Otherwise have a great summer..!!
P.S. Mike's looking for another game of Banana Hearts..!!
Round up some movers and shakers, like the "inflatible trinket"..!!!!