With the a few pictures came this snippet from Ruth.
Yes! It is spring time here! Flowering crabapples and dogwoods and daffodils and creeping phlox... GREEN - pretty lime green, Chartreuse, Soylent Green!
It truly is encouraging! We logged into the book at Amicalola Falls Park. Tomorrow, we return up USFS 42 and sprint the .9 mile to the Peak of Springer Mountain, come back to the car and Mom + Dad give us a the big kiss off and we walk on home!
Tonight, the feeling I have is that of preparing to jump into a cold lake for the first time. Holding my breath and cringing.
Can't wait! (Can't wait to get a night or two under our belts!) I believe the sun will shine on us tomorrow morning.
Luck + Love,
Hey, I finally found your site. Sounds like you guys are doing awesome. I will be checking your progress. Keep up the great work!
erin-i am hiking with your lunatic of a father. he suggested that i ask you if you would be willing to transcribe my verbose monstrosity of a trail journal for a week (7entries) this is file under doesnt hurt to ask. check it out and let me know. we are coming up on the entries which feature your pops.